The 3rd annual MobileMonday Global Summit brings together leaders from mobile business on September 10th 2007. Around fifteen hundred participants from around the globe are expected to attend the conference held at the Wanha Satama Fair Center in Helsinki, Finland.
We are putting together a roster of top-notch speakers coming from various fields, each with a different point of view of the mobile industry.
Confirmed speakers at Executive Morning:
Leif Fågelstedt, COO, Blyk
Leif is the COO of Blyk. He has 12 years of experience in the IT, telecommunication and consultancy sectors on a marketing executive level from IBM and Nokia; supported by 15 years leadership experience from the advertising industry. During the years he has established new businesses, developed market entry strategies, launched new brands and grown products and services within start-up and established organizations.
Leif is a telecommunication engineer and has attended the Graphic Institute & Institute for Higher Marketing Communications Education in Sweden. He is a distinguished and lively speaker and has presented marketing and management topics to various audiences throughout his career. Living in Stockholm, he is married and has two children. In his spare time he likes sailing, skiing, cooking and everything connected to challenges.
Lars Persson, Managing Partner, Gartner
Lars Persson has more than 20 years of industry experience gained from various positions within IT management, global business management, software development and marketing, and management of technology and systems implementations. Mr. Persson joined Gartner in 2000 and is based in Sweden.
Prior to joining Gartner, Mr. Persson was CIO for a business unit within one of Europe's leading paper and pulp companies. He has nine years of experience at a global media company, during which time he held different management positions within the areas of telecommunications technology, systems implementation and development, product management and business management. Mr. Persson also has extensive experience as a consultant with a client base of different media and consumer companies.
Veli-Matti Mattila, CEO, Elisa
President & CEO, Elisa Corporation, joined the Group in 2003.
CEO of Ericsson Finland 1997-2003 and in parallel as a Deputy Head of the Nordic and Baltic sales unit of the Ericsson Group, responsible for the Customer Services business. He joined the Ericsson Group in 1986 and has worked in various assignments in Finland and in the United States. His previous career includes expert advisory tasks in the Swiss company Ascom Hasler AG.
Ph.D Hitomi Murakami, Principal Research Engineer, KDDI R&D Laboratories
Dr. Murakami graduated from Hokkaido University with a Ph.D in Engineering and started his career as a research engineer with Japanese overseas telecommunication operator KDD in 1974. His research area included video compression technology, television transmission and satellite communications, and as such he participated in CMTT and ITU-T during 1979-2000, serving as Vice Chairman of ITU-T SG9 during the 1996-2000 study period.
Till April in 2007, he has been Executive Director, of KDDI Corporation, Japan's second largest telecommunications Operator that provides a comprehensive lineup of services including the Internet, fixed telephone, and mobile communications known as the brand name of "au". As Executive Director of Corporate Technology Sector, he was responsible for development of new technologies for future services, including ubiquitous communications.
He moved to new field of academia as a professor of Seikei University this April, and restarted his new carrier to bring up young engineers.
Mark Ollila, of Technology & Strategy and Head of Nokia Games Publishing, Games, Multimedia, Nokia
At Nokia, Mark is helping drive the next generation gaming strategy. He is responsible for technology strategy and business development, industry relations and industry marketing, partnerships and Nokia internal collaboration and technology roadmapping within Multimedia. Additionally, Mark is leading the Nokia games publishing effort at Multimedia. Previously, Mark co-founded Telcogames in 2003 and was an executive director focusing on licensing and strategic projects. He is a well-known entrepreneur and highly respected authority in media technology, frequently hosting lectures and publishing research on the sector. In addition to founding Telcogames, Mark has been involved in the setting up of a number of companies and research labs in media and mobile entertainment. He is on the Advisory Board of GDC Mobile, focusing on mobile graphics and multiplayer solutions and is a jury member for the International Mobile Game Awards. During 2002, he became the founding Chairman of Meqon AB, a physics middleware company delivering gaming solutions to the market. Mark brings to bear an unrivalled knowledge of Mobile Entertainment Business and Technology.
Ville Mujunen, Senior Vice President, Sulake Dynamoid
Ville Mujunen has been working in various business development and management positions in the Internet and mobile industries for past 10 years. He has in depth business development experience of ISP, Mobile Operator, Mobile Entertainment and Online Communities businesses.
Ville has got technical background with a commercial degree. Currently he is leading Sulake Corporation's IRC-Galleria, Finland's most popular social community site to international markets.
Madanmohan Rao, Editor-at-large, Wireless World magazine
Madanmohan is a media consultant and writer based in Bangalore, India. He is the editor of three book series: "The Asia Pacific Handbook," "The Knowledge Management Chronicles," and "AfricaDotEdu." He is a frequent speaker on the international conference circuit, and has given talks and lectures on Internet-related issues in about 50 countries. Madan's most recent book is "News Media and New Media."
Boaz Zilberman, Founder, Fring
Founder and Chief Architect Boaz Zilberman is responsible for product strategy at fring. An industry veteran with over 20 years experience in high-tech businesses, Zilberman’s expertise includes launching high-tech start-up business through to market maturity, strategic and tactical creativity, business development and marketing of telecom technologies and strategic partner negotiations.
Prior roles have included VP of Products at Telrad Connegy, the designer and manufacturer of PBX and VoIP solutions for enterprise customers worldwide; Director of Marketing at Radvision, a global market leader of video telephony solutions and converged communications tools for wireless carriers, vendors and international enterprises; founder and CEO of ExpertCall, a system providing complete, automated customer support for any website; and a series of computer-telephony marketing positions with EasyRun Ltd, providing software systems to the telecom market and Intel Semiconductors.
Boaz holds an MSc in Computer Science from the City University of New York.
Christian Wolf, Co-Founder and CEO, Qiro GmbH
Until recently, Christian Wolf, aged 30, was employed at Deutsche Telekom Laboratories, the innovation development unit of Deutsche Telekom AG. There he headed a number of high-level development projects with a focus on mobile social networking and mobile web applications. In 2006 together with his colleague, Dr. Nischal Piratla, he decided to spin-off one of these projects into an independent company and license the project results exclusively from their former employer. Wolfs previous experience includes a Master's Degree in Consumer Marketing and International Management and positions in Sales and Marketing in various industries.
Joonas Pekkanen, Co-Founder, Floobs Ltd
Joonas Pekkanen (29) co-founded Floobs Ltd with his friend Kai Lemmetty (24). Floobs® makes production and viewing of online television available for anyone. The Floobs service allows individuals, groups and communities to produce online and mobile TV channels and manage their video content easily and efficiently. Users can stream real-time video to their online channels from mobile phones and web cameras. This will have a profound impact on how media is produced and distributed within online communities.
Mr. Pekkanen is a graduate of the Helsinki School of Economics, M.Sc.(econ), CEMS Master of International Management and student of Law at Helsinki University. On his time off, Pekkanen enjoys good friends, sports and motorbike trips.
Martin Frid-Nielsen, CEO, SoonR
Martin brings extensive start-up and larger company experience to SoonR. He spent 3 years in various executive positions at enterprise software provider Merant including VP of Development, and was actively involved in selling the company to Serena for about $400 million in 2004. Prior to joining Merant through an acquisition, Martin was at NetObjects for over six years, where he was the VP of R&D since founding and through its IPO in 1999, he was instrumental in defining and creating the company's leading web-authoring product NetObjects Fusion. He was also a principal of Hilltop Software Technologies, a provider of pre-internet communication applications and consulting services.
Prior to that, Martin spent ten years at Borland International in senior engineering and program management positions. Products included Sidekick 1.0 & 2.0, the company's hit personal information organizer that created a new market category, Personal Information Management. Martin is a named inventor on four (4) U.S. Patents related to data synchronization and web authoring technologies.
Atakan Cetinsoy, Vice President, MyStrands
Atakan has more than 10 years of customer and product marketing experience with some of the most admired global brands in the computer hardware and software, Internet/e-Commerce and transportation industries.
Most recently Atakan served 5 years with Apple Computer, where he led the effort to model customer value as driven by the adoption of digital media services offered through the market leading iTunes Music Store platform covering both desktop and mobile use cases. His ability to recognize emerging consumer trends in this fast growing segment of the media market led to the first fully personalized application of music recommendations on the iTunes platform serving millions of users in 21 countries. Prior to iTunes Music Store, Atakan spent 3 years developing the global enterprise marketing infrastructure and processes for Apple's US$1 billion plus online direct sales channel.
Before joining Apple in 2001, Atakan was part of Yahoo!'s loyalty marketing team crafting online methods to increase user retention while leveraging key marketing partnerships with consumer brands to bring more value to the 6 million plus member base.
Atakan also has tenure with FedEx during which he managed the company's award winning online near real time package tracking services and oversaw the effort to launch vertical applications in the same category. As part of FedEx Corporate Marketing team his work fueled the repositioning of the marketing strategies for the hotly contested multi-modal, dual carrier shipping segment.
Atakan holds a B.S. degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Bogazici University in Istanbul and an M.B.A. from The University of Georgia as a fully sponsored International Student scholar of the Terry College of Business.
Confirmed Speakers at Public Afternoon Sessions:
Christopher Billich, Vice President, Infinita Inc
As VP Overseas Business Development at Tokyo-based Infinita Inc., Christopher manages Infinita's market intelligence and research operations, covering the Japanese mobile industry, as well as related developments on the web and in consumer electronics, for a wide variety of international and Japanese clients. He is currently focusing on Mobile Social Media, Mobile Advertising and Near Field Communication (NFC) applications.
Infinita was founded in 2005. Originally specializing in technical development and production of mobile websites and applications for the domestic market, the company has since expanded its services to deliver market intelligence and research, providing in-depth analysis from one of the world's hotbeds of technological innovation.
Prior to joining Infinita, Christopher worked as a consultant for online and mobile strategy in the German media and telecommunications industry for 7 years, advising clients like Vodafone D2 Germany, BenQ Mobile and Deutsche Telekom.
He holds a masters degree in Psychology from the University of Cologne.
Sarah Lipman, Founder, Power2B
Sarah is a usability visionary, and innovator of the Power2B technology. She is responsible for guiding the technology team, and leads concept incubation projects for technology innovation. Sarah brings together experience in education, information design and publishing to generate novel approaches to user interface. She draws for inspiration on an eclectic range of disciplines, including medicine, mathematics, industrial design, anthropology, and history.
Julia Palatovska, Founder, Mobile Monday Ukraine
Julia Palatovska has been involved in IT industry since 2003 when she joined a start-up software company QArea, which is today the largest mobile software provider in Ukraine. Julia Palatovska is one of the pioneers of the Ukrainian public relations school. Specializing in the IT and telecom industry, Palatovska built and managed QArea’s public relations for QArea.
In 2006 Julia joined the global Mobile Monday team and started Mobile Monday activities in Ukraine. Today, Ukrainian telecom business representatives acknowledge Mobile Monday as a leading world platform for networking, negotiation, business development and education of the professionals working in mobile market.
Nidal Barkake, Co-Founder, Tedexis
Nidal Barake is co-founder and Director of Tedexis, a Mobile Solutions company based in Caracas, Venezuela, that provides mobile corporate solutions for carriers and enterprises in more than 12 countries in the region. Mobile Marketing and Mobile Banking are among the main services in Tedexis’ portfolio. Nidal Barake is in charge of Business Development , and also helps customers implement Mobile Marketing strategies. Prior to founding Tedexis, Nidal was a senior consultant in the telecom industry for Ernst & Young. Nidal is an Economist and holds an MBA from University of Delaware. Also, in his free time, Nidal is a chef.
Michael Novikov, Founder & CEO, ADMIN LTD
Michael Novikov is a founder & CEO of ADMIN Ltd.since 1997. Previously he worked as a marketing managerat Arcadia Inc., as a scientist at the Zoological Institute,Russian Academy of Sciences. In 1995 he worked for theFinnish Academy of Sciences and the University ofJyvaskyla in Finland, and in 1994 for the US Government in Hawaii.For several years Michael Novikov was a member of thejury of the Interactive Publishing TOP Award (Zurich),Russia editor of the EuropeMedia (London). He was a regular visitor of Esther Dyson's High-Tech Forum,participant of The Second EU/CEEC Forum on the InformationSociety (European ministerial telecom conference, Prague, 1996).
In 1998 he was invited to participate at the Eighth RegulatoryColloquium of the International Telecommunication Union/WorldBank(Geneva), a meeting of telecom regulators aimed to addresspolicies and regulatory issues surrounding electronic commerce.He is a frequent event speaker: German-Russian Forum (Berlin, 2000),Russian Internet Forum (Moscow, 2002), RBCC St. PetersburgInternational Investment Forum (2006), MobileMonday GlobalSummit (Helsinki, 2006), Nordic Mobile Media Conference(Riga, 2006) and many others. Michael is also organizingMobileMonday St. Petersburg network events.Michael Novikov studied biology at the St. Petersburg StateUniversity, economics and management at theLETI-Lovanium International School of Management (St. Petersburg).
Daniel K. Appelquist, Senior Technology Strategist, Vodafone Group
Daniel K. Appelquist is a senior technology strategist at Vodafone Group Research & Development, where he works on Web and Internet standards and industry activities. He helped to create dotMobi and the W3C Mobile Web Initiative, where he chairs the Mobile Web Best Practices working group. He is also the founder of Mobile Monday London and of the Mobile 2.0 conferences, and has spoken on the mobile Web at numerous conferences and events, including Web 2.0 Summit, South by Southwest Interactive and the 3GSM World Congress.
Jayson Raymond, Founder, M:certain Networks
Jayson Raymond isfounder of M:certain Networks,which providesmonitoring services to assure mobile commerce and content is highly accessible to mobile users. Raymond founded Accelerant Mobile, a company which provides mobile technology consulting services to companiesincluding AT&T Mobile, Disney Mobile, Dwango Wireless, Blue Frog Mobile and Airbiquity.With a decade of real world experience in mobile technologies, and over two insoftware, he has worked on mobile projects for Johnson & Johnson, Merck, Readers Digest, Ocado (Waitrose), and more.
Raymond is an advisory board member for Seattle Mobile Monday, andis actively involved in the mobile/wireless and technology community in Seattle, including chairing the Seattle Java Users Group for the last 11 years.
Lubna Dajani, Founder & CEO, Stratemerge Inc.
Lubna Dajani, founder & CEO of Stratemerge Inc. a provider of connected solutions, strategic development, & brand incubation specializing in mobile & emerging technologies. Ms. Dajani is also co-founder of Kapeesh Networks LLC, a multimedia content production & licensing company targeting the mobile consumer. In partnership with Tribute Third Millennium, Ms. Dajani is architect of the digital & interactive elements of the global multi-media campaign Listen- an unprecedented collaboration between media, the arts, brands, & charity brought together to ignite a commercially sustainable communication platform aimed at raising the quality of life for children while funding children’s charity projects around the world.
Ms. Dajani is an engaging writer, moderator & public speaker who is widely recognized as a visionary & innovator of insightful user-centric solutions.
Kathie Legg, Political Producer, Yahoo
Kathie Legg is a political producer at Yahoo! where she directs web 2.0 integration and optimization campaigns. She is also a founding member of MobileMonday DC, a local chapter of an international community of mobile technology experts and enthusiasts, and a blogger for MOpocket, one of the wireless industry's top blogs.
Kathie previously served as a business development manager at MSHC Partners, where she specialized in developing new political outreach tools and designing innovative SMS campaigns. She also worked as the lead researcher and assistant editor of The Politics-to-Go Handbook: A Guide to Using Mobile Technology in Politics at the Institute for Politics, Democracy & the Internet at The George Washington University. Politics-to-Go connected sophisticated politicking with innovative mobile technology and has been credited for starting the discussion of the intersection between politics and mobile. Kathie's political career began at the age of 16 with a 4-year internship with her hometown (Binghamton, NY) New York State Senator, followed by an internship with a Member of Parliament in the British House of Commons.
Kathie received her B.A. in Political Science and Information Science and Policy from The State University of New York at Albany and her M.A. in Political Management from The George Washington University.
Sarah Miller, President of Axis Marketing & PR, LLC
Sarah Miller, President of Axis Marketing & PR, LLC, has 15 years of experience in marketing and public relations within the high-tech, mobile entertainment and consumer industries. Her expertise and success in media relations, strategic marketing, business development and public relations has helped launch numerous mobile entertainment, technology companies and the CMO Council, a nationwide affinity group. Miller's expertise and strategic positioning has successfully helped launch clients in the mobile entertainment and emerging technology industry, from start-ups to business-to-business consulting firms. Miller's accomplishments include successful implementation of corporate programs, integrated marketing programs, nationwide public relations and events and extensive national media and analyst relations securing top media placement for companies such as, House of Blues, The Orchard, Trillion Entertainment, Sony, Qualcomm, Digital Orchard, Hip Digital Media, Billboard, WhiteBlox, Digital Media Wire, Fuel Industries, Film Ties, Mobile Entertainment Forum, Mogol Music, PaymentOne, and Soapbox Mobile.
Miller has served on many industry and charity boards throughout her career and has been featured on the cover of Today's Arizona Woman magazine twice as "A Rising Star" and "Arizona's Women Of the Year In Business". Miller graduated from Arizona State University and holds a Bachelor degree in psychology. Miller is also Chair of Mobile Monday in Los Angeles.
Tanguy De Lestré, Project Manager, Agoria
Tanguy De Lestré, 36, is currently project manager at the Belgian Industry federation Agoria. His responsibilities lies in the telecom policy aspects. He has been at the forefront of mobile informal networkings in Brussels over the past years.
Lawrence Cosh-Ishii, Representative Director, Mobikyo
As founding partner of Wireless Watch Japan, a division of Mobikyo, 'Lars' has a developed a deep understanding of Japan's mobile industry. Reporting on the domestic market since late 2001, he built a strong contact network with operators, handset makers as well as content, service and application providers. A co-organizer of Mobile Intelligence missions since 2003, he also provides operational logistics for the local Mobile Monday Tokyo chapter. Based in Japan, he is a frequent contact point for visiting executives and is often quoted by overseas media.
Thiyagarajan Maruthavanan, Co-Founder, Motvik
Thiyagarajan. M (colloquially aka Rajan) is co-founder of a mobile startup called Motvik (www.motvik.com) in the Mobile and Media convergence space. Motvik’s flagship product wwigo that turns a camera phone into a webcam is an extremely popular product used by people across more than 120 countries.
He is also one of the co-founder & co-organizer of the Bangalore chapter of Mobile Monday, a global community of wireless professional. His blog titled "Living On the Edge" (http://rajan.wordpress.com ) is a popular Indian blog widely read & quoted in the sphere technology, strategy, mobile and entrepreneurship.
A computer science graduate of IIIT- Hyderabad, he has previously worked at a mobile startup called Emuzed (www.emuzed.com ) – (a worldwide leader in mobile multimedia codecs and applications, now a part of Aricent).
Benjamin Joffe, CEO, +8* Ltd
Benjamin is the co-founder and organizer of Mobile Monday Beijing, China's leading monthly networking event for mobile professionals. He is also the CEO of +8* (Plus Eight Star Ltd), which focuses on 'Innovation Arbitrage', bringing proven best practices from advanced Asian markets (Japan, Korea and China) to Internet and mobile companies. He spent the past 7 years with mobile content providers and telecom operators, Internet services and consulting companies in the three countries. Benjamin speaks fluently English, Japanese, and French and has practical knowledge of Mandarin, Korean and Spanish.
Mark Wächter, Co-Founder and Chairman, MobileMonday Germany
Mark Wächter, aged 41, is a graduated economist with many years professional and leadership experience, national and international market know-how in the areas of FMCG / food trade (Unilever), IT / Internet (UUNET, WorldCom) and telecommunications/ cellular phones (T-Mobile). In May 2005 he founded the strategy consultancy MWC focusing on Wireless Marketing. In March 2006 Mark became elected Chairman of the Section Mobile of Association of the Digital Economy e.V. (BVDW). Mark is Co-Founder and Chairman of MobileMonday Germany, heads the Mobile Marketing Associaton (MMA) Germany, is member of the Board of MMA EMEA and acknowledged Wireless Advertising Evangelist.
Bruno Bensaid, Partner, China Expansion Fund
Bruno Bensaid is established in Asia since 1997. After a year learning Chinese in Shanghai, Bruno advised Philips Consumer Electronics on its China distribution strategy and then spent 3 years in Singapore at Cisco Systems driving the services business unit profitability. Since his return to China in 2002, Bruno became an actor of the China wireless and internet industry by building and operating internet and mobile businesses for Western firms (such as In-Fusio, a European leader in mobile gaming).
In 2006, Bruno Bensaid became a Partner at China Expansion Fund, an M&A advisory firm supporting French and European VCs and their portfolio companies in the Telecom, Media and Technology sectors on their China investments. Current projects include online advertising, online social networking, e-commerce, online person-to-person services, IPTV, mobile value-added services etc.
Bruno is also the founder and organizer of the Shanghai Chapter of Mobilemonday (www.mobilemondayshanghai.net).
Bruno’s full profile and references can be accessed at www.linkedin.com/in/brunobensaid
Rudy de Waele, mTrends
Rudy De Waele has been working in internet media since 1995 and in mobile since 1999, he works with start-ups and established companies focussing on next generation mobile services where he assists them with brand building, positioning, identifying market opportunities and business models, creating strategic alliances, funding opportunities and competitive intelligence to help these companies commercialize their technologies in a global market using open innovation.
Well-connected among key players in the digital media distribution and global mobile value chain players, he is passionate for the new and the innovative and not afraid of mixing the unmixable. He has worked on projects as diverse as R&D, competitive intelligence analysis, digital concept, content and event development, mobile and digital music distribution, building communities, social network analysis and development, and content integration of wiki’s, blogs, moblogs and RSS feed technologies.
His blog mTrends
Andy Zain, Founder, MobileMonday Indonesia
Andy Zain is regarded as one of the mobile industry pioneers in Indonesia. Since 1997, he has been responsible for numerous 'industry first' initiatives, such as the first ringtone service, the first WAP portal, mobile banking, m-commerce and kiosk downloads in Indonesia.
In 2003 he co-founded Elasitas which currently is the largest mobile content aggregator in Indonesia working with the biggest brands including Disney Mobile, EA Mobile, Cartoon Networks and cobering channel partners like Nokia and Yahoo! Mobile. Elasitas is also a system integrator with industry leading solutions in mobile VAS and portal management platform.
Prior to Elasitas, Andy served in different positions within marketing and product development roles for companies operating as internet service provider, system developer, channel distribution, and managing products such as Nokia Mobile Phones and Apple Computers.
Andy is also the founder and organizer for Mobile Monday Indonesia which set to launch by October 2007.
Ken Imamura, MobileMonday Sweden
- Business developer and founder within mobile services (Media Company) 2002-2003
- Business developer and project manager at Mobile application Company 2006-2007
- Business developer, Co-founder and project manager for travel project 2004 -
- Team member of MobileMonday Sweden 2007 -
Raimo van der Klein, MobileMonday Amsterdam
Raimo van der Klein, 34years. Worked both for Nokia Networks and Nokia Mobile Phones in marketing and sales related positions. Last year worked for leading dutch (mobile) operator KPN as Principal Innovation Manager. Currently started his own micro agency called Mobminds( www.mobminds.com) focusing on Strategic Innovation, Concept Development and Creativity within consumer oriented organizations. Next to this Raimo is co-founder of Mobile Monday Amsterdam. Further Raimo blogs for The leading Marketingblog in the Netherlands called Marketingfacts.
Confirmed Speakers at Forum Virium Helsinki Launch Pad
Keynote: Gian-Luca Cioletti
Luca has been living for 23 years in Finland already. Luca before joining Forum Nokia worked for several companies, mainly in Business Development tasks. The last duty was in Hewlett-Packard at the HP Bazaar where he was more then 2 years, among others he was involved in Mobile Monday activities and in the Visual Radio project, negotiating with Operators and Media Groups in the EMEA region. Before that he was working for 4 years in Finpro, an organization controlled by the Finnish Government whose mission is to speed up the internationalization of Finnish businesses, two years in the commercial section of the Milan Finnish Embassy and two years in Finland in the Finpro Head Quarters as Senior Consultant. After that he moved to Setec, a Finnish high-tech company who develops and manufactures smart cards, smart card operating systems and applications, he worked there for more then 3 years as Buz. Dev. Mgr. In add Luca has a technical background of more then 10 years as a electronic engineer designing and developing Hard-Ware and Soft-Ware.
Esa Blomberg, Programme Director, Forum Virium Helsinki SME Partnership Programme
BSc in Telecommunications,
CEO and founder of Blomberg Consulting Ltd,
Programme Director of Forum Virium Helsinki SME Partnership Programme
From autumn 2004 Mr. Esa Blomberg has been consulting the planning and launching of Forum Virium Helsinki, which is a development cluster for digital services and contents. He has been since autumn 2005 the project manager of SME Development Service and later the SME Partnership Programme, which the City of Helsinki Business Development hosts as a part of Forum Virium Helsinki.
He started his career at MS-Audiotron in Helsinki, Finland delivering sound and lighting systems. 1983-1984 he designed audiovisual systems in the largest consultant office of electrical engineering in Finland. He joined 1985 The Theatre Academy of Finland and was the first Head of the Institute for Light and Sound Design and founded the Centre for the Development of Theatre Technology (Teatek, later Teakon).
Mr. Blomberg worked in Yleisradio (the Finnish Broadcasting Company) since 1990 in many development projects. From 1999 to 2000 he was the Development Manager of the Television Branch.
Mr. Esa Blomberg has also worked for Andersen Consulting, later Accenture, the Adulta Radio and Television Institute and TietoEnator.
He started his own consultancy, Blomberg Consulting Ltd. (BC) 1.4.2004.
Mr. Blomberg has been playing an active part in development of digital television in Finland since autumn 1995 and was 2003-2006 a member of the Section of Telecommunication and Digital Television of The Information Society Programme set forth in the Government Programme.
Dr Lauri Tuomi and Dr Tuija Toivola, Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences
Dr. Lauri Tuomi works as director of Research and Development Centre at Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences. His special fields of expertise are the development of key employees in SMEs, business competence models, the growth of SMEs and the strategic development of innovation environments.
Dr. Tuija Toivola works as reseach manager of Research and Development Centre at Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences. Her special fields of expertise are business networks and new business models, entrepreneurship, the growth firms as well as the development innovation processes.
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