Mobikyo and Infinita Release the 'Japan Mobile Internet Report'
Tokyo, Japan, Sept 26, 2007 - (JCN Newswire) - Tokyo-based Mobikyo KK, publisher of the industry leading Wireless Watch Japan media site, and Infinita Inc., Japan's leading mobile market research firm, announced today the release of "Japan Mobile Internet Report - Carriers, Handsets, Content and Services," (www.infinita.co.jp/research) a 202-page market report providing the latest insight and in-depth details on how and why Japan's mobile Internet industry continues to matter to the rest of the world.
With 40% of the world's mobile data revenues, Japan is the most advanced mobile market, where three-quarters of the population use the mobile Web and 4 in 5 users have already migrated to 3G devices. More than US$1 billion in revenues are generated from mobile content and mobile commerce alone, spanning games, entertainment, shopping, music and social networking; to these, add also the massive revenues from data access and mobile advertising.
Infinita and Mobikyo, two of Tokyo's leading sources of mobile market expertise, have partnered to produce an in-depth, analytical research report explaining the regulatory, technology and business factors that have made - and continue to make - Japan's mobile Internet the world's best. The "Japan Mobile Internet Report" (JMIR) explains in stunning detail why Japan's ecosystem achieves mobile revenues far better than anywhere else and highlights how market players everywhere can capture their share of local profits.
The huge popularity of Japan's mobile Internet ecosystem have been widely reported, but the reasons behind the success and how these lessons apply to mobile markets everywhere are little understood outside of Japan. The report includes a comprehensive catalog of handsets and features, together with how and why device technologies are shaping usage and revenues. JMIR also includes insightful analysis on carrier strategy, tactics and mobile platforms, as well as a review of competitive advantages in the 3.5G era.
Readers of JMIR will learn which lessons from Japan can be applied to create success in other markets, and which are unique to Japan. Readers also receive a condensed analytical review on Japan's mobile evolution, as well as detailed information on the hottest current developments that are bound to hit other markets in 2007-2009.
Report topics include:
Carrier Strategy and Ecosystem Approach
- How carriers, content providers and handset manufacturers work together to create compelling service offerings
Device Features
- How specific technologies on the handset have contributed to device differentiation, usage, sales and revenues
Mobile Search
- How search is transforming the mobile industry and breaking down the walls of the operator's walled gardens, how this affects the entire mobile value chain, and what new alliances are emerging as a result
Mobile Music
- How flat-rate pricing for full-track music downloads and cross-platform (PC/mobile) music stores are changing the game, and how mobile music consumption compares to other digital music distribution channels
Mobile Social Networking (SNS) and User-Generated Content
- Key insights into why services still in their nascent stages elsewhere are fast becoming mainstream in Japan - learn how service providers and carriers tie in mobile gaming, avatars, news and more with mobile social media
Mobile Payment and NFC Applications
- Why operators are pursing non-traffic business opportunities in wireless payments, and how Japanese consumers are using their phones as digital cash, credit cards, train tickets and keys
Mobile TV
- Why reception of mobile TV broadcasts is free in Japan, and how operators, broadcasters and marketers are working together to create new advertising formats
Location-Based Services
- Why location is a feature, not a service - and how mobile applications make use of location information in anything from navigation to security and entertainment
Mobile Advertising
- How it became a US$300 million market, expected to triple in the next three years - and how mobile advertising is shifting from traditional to search-based advertising and affiliate models
Fixed Mobile Convergence
- How content providers deliver a seamless user experience across the PC and the mobile, and how carriers integrate their service offerings across both channels
Who should buy this report:
-- Mobile operators seeking benchmark data on the world's most innovative mobile ecosystem-- Marketers trying to understand where mobile advertising is headed and how brands should interact with their customers via the small screen
-- Mobile content and application providers looking for cutting-edge service ideas
-- Entrepreneurs who need to validate their local market ideas and insights
-- Analysts, academics, government policymakers
-- Media seeking background analysis on Japan's mobile ecosystem
"Japan Mobile Internet Report - Carriers, Handsets, Content and Services"
A free 50-page .pdf preview is available online via:
Christopher Billich, Infinita Inc.
Daniel Scuka & Lawrence Cosh-Ishii, Mobikyo K.K./Wireless Watch Japan
5 September, 2007
202 pages
Single-copy (not for resale, PDF format): US$2,000
Company-wide license (not for resale, PDF format): US$5,000
About Infinita Inc.
Tokyo-based Infinita was founded in 2005. Originally specializing in technical development and production of mobile websites and applications for the domestic market, the company has since expanded its services to deliver market intelligence and research, providing in-depth analysis from one of the world's hotbeds of technological innovation to a wide range of international clients. Companies relying on Infinita's services include Softbank Mobile, Deutsche Telekom and Itochu Electronics. In addition to the research partnership with Mobikyo K.K., Infinita is a strategic partner of the Mobile Consumer Behavior Lab at the International University of Japan in Niigata.
About Mobikyo K.K.
Based in Tokyo's central Shinjuku Ward, Mobikyo's core business is the production and dissemination of media content, market intelligence and business information aimed at those seeking to establish, expand or strengthen their partnerships and commercial relations with Japan's wireless and IT industries. The company offers a range of information and business promotion services, including Mobile Monday Tokyo community events, the Mobile Intelligence Japan guided mission, research, consulting and referral network and the Wireless Watch Japan media site. For more information, access www.mobikyo.jp.