Ukraine at Mobile Monday Global Summit 2007
Around 1000 participants witnessed one of the most large-scale and significant events in the world mobile industry held in Helsinki (Finland) and St. Petersburg (Russia) on September 10-12. Mobile music, mobile marketing and social media became the major topics for discussion at Mobile Monday Global Summit 2007. The participants had a chance to listen to the numerous speakers, visit seminars, press-conferences, hi-tech exhibitions as well as meet Mobile Monday local Chapter representatives.
Considerable interest among the participants was aroused by presentations and panel discussions with the representatives of Gartner, KDDI, Nokia, Elisa. The most favourable feedback received the speech of Leif Fågelstedt, COO of MVNO Blyk, preparing to lauch in Great Britain. Despite the fact that Blyk hasn't been launched in revenue service yet, the company by right deserved keen interest of the whole telecom community: only young people aged 16-24 will become subscribers of this virtual operator. At that the services offered by Blyk will be free of charge since the operator will work at the expense of advertisers willing to reach this user segment. According to Blyk representatives the main idea of company's marketing positioning consists in the fact that «young people need brands and brands need young people». The company management reckons that Blyk network will soon successfully unite brands and young people.
This year Mobile Monday Global Summit held for the third time was first visited by the Ukrainian delegation which practically became the centre of attention of representatives from other countries. The presentation of Julia Palatovska, the founder of Ukrainian MoMo, aroused great interest of the audience since many Summit visitors heard about Ukraine's market potential for the first time.
The presentation provided a brief coverage of the results of successful existence of the Ukrainian Mobile Monday Chapter during 1 year as well as contained useful information about the Ukrainian telecom market representatives. Thus, during the year the events in Ukraine were visited by over 700 people from not only Ukraine but also Russia, Poland, Belgium, Estonia, Holland, Denmark, Israel, Germany, France, Great Britain and the USA. At the meetings were discussed major trends in mobile technologies, Ukrainian VAS market, the launch of the first Ukrainian 3G operator, problems of mobile terminals, mobile TV as well as new products in the content-services market. Ukrainian Mobile Mondays managed to unite representatives of mobile network operators, content/service providers, content aggregators, mobile terminals manufacturers, software development companies, retail networks, equipment vendors, marketing and consulting agencies, business associations as well as mass media representatives.
Further in her presentation Julia presented the data regarding the number of subscribers and new subscriptions of Ukrainian operators by the end of summer 2007 when the number of activated SIM cards in Ukraine reached 52 mln. Thus, the fastest growth of subscription database is observed in PEOPLEnet, the first Ukrainian operator of third-generation mobile communications (32 % growth in July 2007). The development of Ukrainian mobile market was presented in comparison with European countries. Julia aslo listed peculiarities and development perspectives of the first Ukrainian 3G network launched in December 2006 under PEOPLEnet brand. The presentation then briefly characterised the Ukrainian VAS market.
If you wish to get Julia Palatovska's presentation, please, send your request to info@mobilemonday.com.ua.
The second and the third Summit days were held in St. Petersburg where the local Mobile Monday Chapter representatives organized an exciting boat-trip along the Neva, Mobile Monday event as well as meetings with local industry leaders.
Photo gallery of Mobile Monday Global Summit in Helsinki is available here: http://www.kuvaboxi.fi/julkinen/press+mobilemonday-global-summit-2007.html.