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Resume Details

Specialist of ERP Systems, Developer
Applicant code : 3
Start salary from : 1000
Region : Kharkiv, Kyiv
Experience :
Date posted : 2007-08-03
Skills Summary : Knowledge of SQL, PL/SQL, programming and basic of administrating databases in Oracle 9i/10g, optimization of queries, knowledge of accounting and documents circulation basis. Knowledge of post and prepaid billing services' business – process. Knowledge of HTML, basis of Java (JSP, Servlets). Experience of implementation of prepaid billing system. Knowledge of SQL, PL/SQL. Knowledge of development environment- PL/SQL Developer, Crystall Report 8.5, Quest Software TOAD. Case Tools: BPwin4.0, Erwin4.0.
Experience summary :

Developer - 8 months. Manager of billing services of telecommunication -5 months. Senior manager of billing services of telecommunication - 20.03.2007- up to the present.

1) Automated system of travel expenses in college (Delphi7.0+Oracle 9i).
2) Subsystem of financing transaction with foreign currency in a bank (Delphi7.0+Oracle 9i).

The Mobile Monday Ukraine events are organized due to the support of
QArea company and outsourcing software testing company BugHuntress QA Lab